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Eggplant Helper Suites

Access our helper suites and other useful files below. 

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Functions for common user tasks such as “SendSMS” and “OpenURL.”

Mobile Helper Suite

This is an Eggplant Functional suite to assist with using the Eggplant Network emulator with Eggplant Functional. Note: This suite requires Python to be installed on the machine running Eggplant Functional.

Eggplant Network Helper Suite

This suite provides utilities to help automate Windows Phone devices.

Windows Phone 8.1/10 Helper Suite
These files can be used to link Eggplant and LabVIEW to provide advanced GUI automation alongside the comprehensive testing capabilities of NI LabVIEW. Target systems include in-vehicle automotive systems and all forms of embedded electronics with GUIs. Watch our webinar here. NI LabVIEW Examples & Templates

These files can be used to link Eggplant and GameBench to detect performance issues affecting the user experience (UX) of your app, and then identify the cause of the issue to resolve it. No direct integration is required.

GameBench Helper Suite: Batch Files













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